Webinar on prison officer training 18.9.2024

Prison and Probation Services Finland is preparing for its RISE 3.0 organisational reform which may include notable changes to the training and education of prison officers. The reform will have an impact on the system of prison officer training and the required qualifications of prison officers. This restructuring needs to be guided by research findings on what kind of competence prison officers require in their work and what kind of international experiences there are from different methods of prison officer training.

Associate professor Helen Arnold from the University of East Anglia will hold a lecture on the subject. Arnold has broadly studied the training, education, recruiting and the role and responsibilites of prison officers. She was also one of the editors of the recent book Prison Officers – International Perspectives on Prison Work (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41061-1). Helen Arnold’s website: https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/helen-arnold

The English event will be held in Zoom on Wednesday 18.9.2024 at 16:30. You can find the webinar link below.

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